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Article: Industrial style

Le style industriel

Industrial style

Industrial style is a popular interior design trend that has gained momentum in recent years. Originating from the industrial revolution, this style is characterized by the use of raw and unfinished materials, such as exposed brick, concrete, metal and wood. It is often associated with lofts and converted warehouses, but today it has become a popular choice for modern homes.

In this article, we'll explore the history and key characteristics of industrial style, as well as provide tips on how to incorporate it into your home decor. By the end of this article, you will have a good understanding of how to achieve the perfect industrial look in your living space.

The history of industrial style

The industrial style appeared at the end of the 19th century, during the industrial revolution. At that time, factories and warehouses were transformed into residential spaces, and the raw materials used in these buildings were often left bare. Over the years, the industrial style grew in popularity with artists and creatives who found beauty in the functional and utilitarian design of these buildings.

Main characteristics of the industrial style

The industrial style is characterized by the use of raw and unfinished materials such as brick, concrete, metal and wood. It is also characterized by its functional and utilitarian design. The main characteristics of the industrial style are: Exposed brick walls or concrete floors Exposed metal pipes or ductwork Large open spaces High ceilings with exposed beams Use of salvaged or recycled materials

How to Incorporate Industrial Style into Your Home Decor

If you want to incorporate industrial style into your home decor, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, start by choosing a neutral color palette. Shades of grey, beige and brown work well in industrial spaces. Then, favor the integration of raw and unfinished materials in your decor. These can be exposed brick walls, concrete floors or exposed metal pipes. You can also incorporate salvaged or repurposed materials, like an old factory cart turned into a coffee table or a reclaimed wood shelf. When it comes to furniture, choose pieces with clean lines and a minimalist design. Metal chairs and stools are a popular choice for industrial spaces, as are leather sofas and chairs. Look for furniture with an aged or weathered finish to give it a more industrial look. Finally, don't be afraid to add a few pops of color to your decor. Industrial spaces can often feel cold and sterile, so adding a few bright accents can help liven things up. Consider adding a colorful rug or a few bright throw pillows to your space.


Industrial style is a popular interior design trend characterized by the use of raw, unfinished materials, functional design, and a minimalist aesthetic. By incorporating these key features into your home decor, you can achieve the perfect industrial look in your living space. Whether you live in a loft or a modern home, the industrial style is a versatile and timeless design choice that is sure to impress.

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