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Applique murale led

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277 products


RANDO - Waterproof designer wall light, black, white or grayRANDO - Waterproof designer wall light, black, white or gray
ANTIC - Vintage art deco style glass wall lightANTIC - Vintage art deco style glass wall light
PARS - Slim integrated LED wall light, stick shapePARS - Slim integrated LED wall light, stick shape
ANTIC - Chic glass and brass wall lightANTIC - Chic glass and brass wall light
BOWERY - Modern outdoor wall light waterproof IP54BOWERY - Modern outdoor wall light waterproof IP54
FOCUS - Modern wall light and geometric designFOCUS - Modern wall light and geometric design
ROND - Design cylindrical wall light, black, white or goldROND - Design cylindrical wall light, black, white or gold
MIRAX - Integrated LED adjustable reading wall lightMIRAX - Integrated LED adjustable reading wall light
BOLD - Waterproof and stylish white globe exterior wall lightBOLD - Waterproof and stylish white globe exterior wall light
ARTISAN - Modern and striated design wall lightARTISAN - Modern and striated design wall light
TIMES SQUARE - Black exterior wall light with waterproof rectangle designTIMES SQUARE - Black exterior wall light with waterproof rectangle design
NOSTALGIA - Designer glass ball wall lightNOSTALGIA - Designer glass ball wall light
NOTTA - Design and modern wall light, gold, white or blackNOTTA - Design and modern wall light, gold, white or black
FOCUS S - Sober and modern wall lightFOCUS S - Sober and modern wall light
MABELL - Art deco one-way glass wall lightMABELL - Art deco one-way glass wall light
LIILA 1 Optic Wall - Elegant luxury designer wall lampLIILA 1 Optic Wall - Elegant luxury designer wall lamp
FIORE - Round flower-shaped wall lightFIORE - Round flower-shaped wall light
LIILA MUUSE - Elegant fluted flower wall lightLIILA MUUSE - Elegant fluted flower wall light
PIXEL - Bedroom reading light wall lightPIXEL - Bedroom reading light wall light
ZARAGOZA - Art deco wall light, vintage lampshade
PARMA - Cylindrical plaster wall light to paintPARMA - Cylindrical plaster wall light to paint
BOLD - Waterproof designer outdoor ball wall lightBOLD - Waterproof designer outdoor ball wall light
FLEUR - Vintage Italian style lantern outdoor wall lightFLEUR - Vintage Italian style lantern outdoor wall light
BRONX - IP54 waterproof tube exterior wall lightBRONX - IP54 waterproof tube exterior wall light
AXIS - Modern LED tube wall lightAXIS - Modern LED tube wall light
ARON - Wall reading light with induction chargerARON - Wall reading light with induction charger
GUN - Modern wall light for exterior facadesGUN - Modern wall light for exterior facades
LOVETANN - Large decorative art deco wall lightLOVETANN - Large decorative art deco wall light
MARMO - Designer marble and golden brass wall lightMARMO - Designer marble and golden brass wall light
ASTER - Round vintage glass wall lightASTER - Round vintage glass wall light
Sold outMARBLE - Golden art deco wall lamp with glass ballMARBLE - Golden art deco wall lamp with glass ball
STRATO - Outdoor wall light, design and waterproofSTRATO - Outdoor wall light, design and waterproof
RENDEZ Vous - Gold art deco wall light with glass balls
MARE - Circular Wall Light in Gold Hammered Metal or SteelMARE - Circular Wall Light in Gold Hammered Metal or Steel
TROPIC - Art Deco hammered brass wall lightTROPIC - Art Deco hammered brass wall light
BIBI - Ceramic wall light for bedroomBIBI - Ceramic wall light for bedroom
TICK - Double disc wall light indirect lightingTICK - Double disc wall light indirect lighting
PARIS - Chic and designer round pleated wall lightPARIS - Chic and designer round pleated wall light
PAN - Gold tube wall light in art deco stylePAN - Gold tube wall light in art deco style
PATTERN - Chic art deco wall light in blown glassPATTERN - Chic art deco wall light in blown glass
MIRAX - Integrated square LED reading light wall lightMIRAX - Integrated square LED reading light wall light
DYNAMICS - Modern wall light with striated designDYNAMICS - Modern wall light with striated design
CIRKUS - U-shaped adjustable wall lightCIRKUS - U-shaped adjustable wall light
ATWATER - Vintage industrial brass lantern wall lampATWATER - Vintage industrial brass lantern wall lamp
FORTANO - Vintage wall light with cylindrical lampshade
TRAME - Geometric design wall light in white or black steelTRAME - Geometric design wall light in white or black steel
WILLIS - Design and waterproof outdoor wall lightWILLIS - Design and waterproof outdoor wall light
On saleERICH - Vintage wall light with glass ballERICH - Vintage wall light with glass ball

ERICH - Vintage wall light with glass ball

Sale priceFrom €59,00 Regular price€69,00