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Luminaire d'entrée

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125 products


ROTOND - Large circular pendant light in handmade natural woodROTOND - Large circular pendant light in handmade natural wood
ZON - Designer and minimalist integrated LED ceiling lightZON - Designer and minimalist integrated LED ceiling light
NOSTALGIA - Art deco ceiling lamp with glass balls, gold and blackNOSTALGIA - Art deco ceiling lamp with glass balls, gold and black
ARCHIVE 4014 - Handmade blown glass ball pendant lampARCHIVE 4014 - Handmade blown glass ball pendant lamp
DREAM BIG - Hot air balloon pendant light for children's roomDREAM BIG - Hot air balloon pendant light for children's room
LAMELLA - Handcrafted white pleated paper ceiling lightLAMELLA - Handcrafted white pleated paper ceiling light
LIILA 1 Optic Ceiling - Modern design bathroom ceiling lightLIILA 1 Optic Ceiling - Modern design bathroom ceiling light
MIIRA Opal Circular - Elegant High End Dining Room Circular ChandelierMIIRA Opal Circular - Elegant High End Dining Room Circular Chandelier
PETALII 10 - Large elegant chandelier in white flower and polished goldPETALII 10 - Large elegant chandelier in white flower and polished gold
VESPER - Gold and White or Black Art Deco PendantVESPER - Gold and White or Black Art Deco Pendant
CLASSIC 105 - Handcrafted white pleated design lantern pendant lightCLASSIC 105 - Handcrafted white pleated design lantern pendant light
PLIVELLO 112 - Handcrafted pleated paper art deco hanging lampPLIVELLO 112 - Handcrafted pleated paper art deco hanging lamp
LINGOTTO - Large cage ceiling light with glass ballsLINGOTTO - Large cage ceiling light with glass balls
PERLAGE - Round ceiling light with glass ballsPERLAGE - Round ceiling light with glass balls
NINFEA - Round ceiling light with white pebblesNINFEA - Round ceiling light with white pebbles
ARIZONA - Gold ceiling light and white glass art deco styleARIZONA - Gold ceiling light and white glass art deco style
MOZZI - Round ceiling light with a cocooning designMOZZI - Round ceiling light with a cocooning design
DRAPER - Art Deco Gold and Marble Circular Ceiling Light
LIILA Star Ceiling - Elegant luxury designer ceiling lightLIILA Star Ceiling - Elegant luxury designer ceiling light
Light Stick - Modern black or gold staircase LED chandelierLight Stick - Modern black or gold staircase LED chandelier
FILO - High height thin rod pendant lightFILO - High height thin rod pendant light
Tiffany - Lustre tube LED en verre coloré designTiffany - Lustre tube LED en verre coloré design
Léonor - Lustre LED en verre coloré designLéonor - Lustre LED en verre coloré design
Balboa - Grand lustre en rotin et lin pour salon ethniqueBalboa - Grand lustre en rotin et lin pour salon ethnique
Balboa - Applique murale en rotin et lin pour salon ethnique
Belvedere - Grand lustre antique noir et laiton patiné vintage
CARRONADE - Scandinavian black or beige pendant lamp, kitchen or dining roomCARRONADE - Scandinavian black or beige pendant lamp, kitchen or dining room
MIIRA Opal Oval - Elegant High End Dining Room Oval ChandelierMIIRA Opal Oval - Elegant High End Dining Room Oval Chandelier
MIIRA Optic Oval - High-end elegant oval pendant lamp living roomMIIRA Optic Oval - High-end elegant oval pendant lamp living room
ARCHIVE 4180 - Handmade blown glass pendant lampARCHIVE 4180 - Handmade blown glass pendant lamp
BLOSSI 8 - Large elegant luxury chandelier in glass and integrated LEDBLOSSI 8 - Large elegant luxury chandelier in glass and integrated LED
MARTINEZ - Large rectangular crystal chandelier
CORTE - Old style bronze chandelier chandelierCORTE - Old style bronze chandelier chandelier
NODI - Chrome or gold atom pendant lightNODI - Chrome or gold atom pendant light
OIL 4 - Dome-shaped pendant light in gray concreteOIL 4 - Dome-shaped pendant light in gray concrete
UMUT 2R - Bell pendant light in beige or black woven bambooUMUT 2R - Bell pendant light in beige or black woven bamboo
Z2 - Cage pendant light in light bamboo and white, beige, gray or black fabricZ2 - Cage pendant light in light bamboo and white, beige, gray or black fabric
SATURNO - Modern pendant light with integrated LED golden ringSATURNO - Modern pendant light with integrated LED golden ring
DUBAI - Chic chandelier in glass beads and crystalDUBAI - Chic chandelier in glass beads and crystal
PERLAGE - Oval art deco pendant light with glass ballsPERLAGE - Oval art deco pendant light with glass balls
NOSTALGIA - Art deco pendant light in black and gold steelNOSTALGIA - Art deco pendant light in black and gold steel
BON BON - Designer chandelier in white steelBON BON - Designer chandelier in white steel
NAMA 4 - Beige or black rattan pendant light with exotic designNAMA 4 - Beige or black rattan pendant light with exotic design
MAY - Seaside style woven bamboo pendant lightMAY - Seaside style woven bamboo pendant light
CAP - Balinese style woven bamboo tube pendant light
TJINKWE Large - Handcrafted wooden slat pendant lightTJINKWE Large - Handcrafted wooden slat pendant light
DALLAS - Modern glass ball pendant lightDALLAS - Modern glass ball pendant light
SWIRL 3 - White or copper spiral suspension, designer creationSWIRL 3 - White or copper spiral suspension, designer creation