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277 products


QUADRATUBE W2 - Industrial design LED wall lightQUADRATUBE W2 - Industrial design LED wall light
QUADRATUBE W3 - Black designer LED wall lightQUADRATUBE W3 - Black designer LED wall light
QUADRATUBE W1 - Modern black LED wall lightQUADRATUBE W1 - Modern black LED wall light
TWIST - Round glass wall light for designer bedroomTWIST - Round glass wall light for designer bedroom
TORCH - Black wall light for modern bedroomTORCH - Black wall light for modern bedroom
KJOBENHAVN - Vintage adjustable bedroom reading wall lightKJOBENHAVN - Vintage adjustable bedroom reading wall light
ARHUS - Scandinavian bedroom reading wall lightARHUS - Scandinavian bedroom reading wall light
ALCHEMY - Vintage bronze and glass ball wall light
AKEMI - Shell-shaped metal wall lightAKEMI - Shell-shaped metal wall light
ACE - Glass ball wall light with brass baseACE - Glass ball wall light with brass base
SKYLINE - Modern LED wall light for bedroomSKYLINE - Modern LED wall light for bedroom
KAZIMIR - Modern and designer inclined wall lightKAZIMIR - Modern and designer inclined wall light
FRAME - Gold wall light for art deco bedroomFRAME - Gold wall light for art deco bedroom
CABARET - Modern LED wall light in glass and gold steelCABARET - Modern LED wall light in glass and gold steel
CABARET - Designer gold metal and glass LED wall lightCABARET - Designer gold metal and glass LED wall light
RIM - Modern design LED ring wall lightRIM - Modern design LED ring wall light
Accord - Brass wall light in the shape of a scrollAccord - Brass wall light in the shape of a scroll
TR37 - Cylindrical wall light made from designer paper bladesTR37 - Cylindrical wall light made from designer paper blades
FLORII 3 - Designer branch and petal wall lightFLORII 3 - Designer branch and petal wall light
FLORII 1 - Elegant petal-shaped wall lightFLORII 1 - Elegant petal-shaped wall light
RO - Handmade natural jute thread wall lightRO - Handmade natural jute thread wall light
CRYSTAL STONE - Glass wall light, organic shapeCRYSTAL STONE - Glass wall light, organic shape
ZIG ZAG - Integrated LED panel wall light, different colorsZIG ZAG - Integrated LED panel wall light, different colors
THEO - Integrated LED stick wall light black or whiteTHEO - Integrated LED stick wall light black or white
SKY - Square wall light, in gold, black or white steelSKY - Square wall light, in gold, black or white steel
PRIVE - Backstage dressing table wall light studioPRIVE - Backstage dressing table wall light studio
FILO - Designer, waterproof IP44 wall light, integrated LEDFILO - Designer, waterproof IP44 wall light, integrated LED
ECLISSI - Integrated gold and white LED wall lightECLISSI - Integrated gold and white LED wall light
ECHO - Modern gold, white or black wall lightECHO - Modern gold, white or black wall light
ATOM - Designer and modern outdoor wall light, square or rectangularATOM - Designer and modern outdoor wall light, square or rectangular
METROPOLE - Adjustable black metal wall lightMETROPOLE - Adjustable black metal wall light
METROPOLE - Adjustable wall light in black or gold steelMETROPOLE - Adjustable wall light in black or gold steel
METROPOLE - Vintage wall light in black or gold metalMETROPOLE - Vintage wall light in black or gold metal
ROOM 49 - Blown glass and brass wall lightROOM 49 - Blown glass and brass wall light
DEDRA - Contemporary exterior wall lightDEDRA - Contemporary exterior wall light
FEBE - Outdoor wall light for stairs IP65
DOWN - Gray or white exterior staircase wall lightDOWN - Gray or white exterior staircase wall light
TRONCO - IP44 outdoor tube wall lightTRONCO - IP44 outdoor tube wall light
TWIN - Rectangular wall light for house facadesTWIN - Rectangular wall light for house facades
STYLE - Outdoor wall light with integrated LEDSTYLE - Outdoor wall light with integrated LED
TETRIS - Direct/indirect exterior wall lightTETRIS - Direct/indirect exterior wall light
TETRIS - IP44 waterproof square wall light for outdoorsTETRIS - IP44 waterproof square wall light for outdoors
UP - Cubic outdoor designer wall lightUP - Cubic outdoor designer wall light
UP - Modern style outdoor wall lightUP - Modern style outdoor wall light
BASE - Modern exterior aluminum wall lightBASE - Modern exterior aluminum wall light
RUBIK - Square LED wall light up and downRUBIK - Square LED wall light up and down
CLIO - Aluminum exterior wall light and egg diffuserCLIO - Aluminum exterior wall light and egg diffuser
PUNTO - Integrated round LED outdoor wall lightPUNTO - Integrated round LED outdoor wall light