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Lampadaire led

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95 products


EASY - Minimalist integrated LED floor lampEASY - Minimalist integrated LED floor lamp
COLONNA - Minimalist floor lamp with upward lightingCOLONNA - Minimalist floor lamp with upward lighting
FORCOLA - Baroque floor lamp in glass and fabric lampshadeFORCOLA - Baroque floor lamp in glass and fabric lampshade
PATTERN - Floor lamp in glass and gold or chrome steelPATTERN - Floor lamp in glass and gold or chrome steel
KYOTO - Neo-vintage designer floor lamp with marble effectKYOTO - Neo-vintage designer floor lamp with marble effect
VENDOME - Art deco glass tube floor lamp for living roomVENDOME - Art deco glass tube floor lamp for living room
MONCEAU - Designer glass tube floor lamp for living roomMONCEAU - Designer glass tube floor lamp for living room
BELLEVILLE - Industrial glass tube floor lamp for living roomBELLEVILLE - Industrial glass tube floor lamp for living room
ELGAR - Dimmable industrial style steel floor lampELGAR - Dimmable industrial style steel floor lamp
CIMA - Antique outdoor floor lamp in gray aluminum or aged brassCIMA - Antique outdoor floor lamp in gray aluminum or aged brass
TWIGGY EGG - Egg-shaped floor lamp in woven bambooTWIGGY EGG - Egg-shaped floor lamp in woven bamboo
PETALII - Elegant white and polished gold flower floor lampPETALII - Elegant white and polished gold flower floor lamp
HUNTS POINTS - Floor lamp in brass and marble
VOYAGE - Floor lamp in fabric and sleek aluminum designVOYAGE - Floor lamp in fabric and sleek aluminum design
PROBE - Floor lamp with black conical spotPROBE - Floor lamp with black conical spot
CIRKUS - U-shaped floor lamp, design and colorfulCIRKUS - U-shaped floor lamp, design and colorful
KNIT-WIT - Oval Pumpkin Japandi Woven Floor LampKNIT-WIT - Oval Pumpkin Japandi Woven Floor Lamp
PETITE MACHINE - Art deco floor lamp for vintage living roomPETITE MACHINE - Art deco floor lamp for vintage living room
RO - Floor lamp in jute yarn bohemian living roomRO - Floor lamp in jute yarn bohemian living room
RIVOLI - IP66 Waterproof Industrial Style Steel PendantRIVOLI - IP66 Waterproof Industrial Style Steel Pendant
GANSEVOORT - Design and contemporary aged brass floor lampGANSEVOORT - Design and contemporary aged brass floor lamp
MASTERPIECES 325 - Wooden and white floor lamp, handmade pleated paperMASTERPIECES 325 - Wooden and white floor lamp, handmade pleated paper
MASTERPIECES 349 - Floor lamp in steel and handmade pleated paperMASTERPIECES 349 - Floor lamp in steel and handmade pleated paper
MASTERPIECES 351 - Vintage floor lamp in steel and handmade pleated paperMASTERPIECES 351 - Vintage floor lamp in steel and handmade pleated paper
SWIRL Floor - White and black spiral floor lamp, designer creationSWIRL Floor - White and black spiral floor lamp, designer creation
SHIBUI Floor - Japandi floor lamp with handcrafted pleated paper effectSHIBUI Floor - Japandi floor lamp with handcrafted pleated paper effect
SNOWDROP - Artisanal Pleated Paper Fishing Rod Floor LampSNOWDROP - Artisanal Pleated Paper Fishing Rod Floor Lamp
LAMELLA - Handcrafted white pleated paper floor lampLAMELLA - Handcrafted white pleated paper floor lamp
CARRONADE - Projector floor lamp, vintage and industrialCARRONADE - Projector floor lamp, vintage and industrial
CLASSIC 368 - Vintage handcrafted black and white floor lampCLASSIC 368 - Vintage handcrafted black and white floor lamp
CACHÉ - Black floor lamp with pleated paper lampshade in designer living roomCACHÉ - Black floor lamp with pleated paper lampshade in designer living room
CARRONADE - Vintage projector floor lamp, living room or adult bedroomCARRONADE - Vintage projector floor lamp, living room or adult bedroom
SIXTH SENSE - Double ball floor lamp in black and white glassSIXTH SENSE - Double ball floor lamp in black and white glass
RAY - Modern black design LED tube floor lampRAY - Modern black design LED tube floor lamp
MOLLIS - Floor lamp on black floor, design living room or officeMOLLIS - Floor lamp on black floor, design living room or office
BLOSSI - Elegant and designer glass floor lamp for living room or officeBLOSSI - Elegant and designer glass floor lamp for living room or office
SNOWBALL - Minimalist living room rod floor lamp, designer creationSNOWBALL - Minimalist living room rod floor lamp, designer creation
SALTO - Designer office floor lamp, black or salmonSALTO - Designer office floor lamp, black or salmon
OSLO WOOD - Tripod floor lamp, vintage fabric lampshadeOSLO WOOD - Tripod floor lamp, vintage fabric lampshade
ME DIM - Design, Scandinavian and modern dimmable floor lampME DIM - Design, Scandinavian and modern dimmable floor lamp
DIVA - Designer and artisanal wooden floor lamp, handcraftedDIVA - Designer and artisanal wooden floor lamp, handcrafted
BUDDY Floor - Design floor lamp for living roomBUDDY Floor - Design floor lamp for living room
BIRDY SWING - Vintage industrial metal floor lampBIRDY SWING - Vintage industrial metal floor lamp
BIRDY - Industrial steel floor lamp for officeBIRDY - Industrial steel floor lamp for office
BALANCER - Floor lamp on black floor, for office or living roomBALANCER - Floor lamp on black floor, for office or living room
ACORN - Scandinavian matt black, matt gray and matt white floor lampACORN - Scandinavian matt black, matt gray and matt white floor lamp
ARCHIVE 4006 - Handcrafted blown glass floor lampARCHIVE 4006 - Handcrafted blown glass floor lamp