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Lampe à poser led

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133 products


ESTUDO - Adjustable bedside lamp and reading lightESTUDO - Adjustable bedside lamp and reading light
A MANITJ - Spiral-shaped natural wood table lampA MANITJ - Spiral-shaped natural wood table lamp
TABLE VERRE - Vintage glass table lamp, fabric lampshadeTABLE VERRE - Vintage glass table lamp, fabric lampshade
Save 20%BARONI - Table lamp with vintage glass shadeBARONI - Table lamp with vintage glass shade

BARONI - Table lamp with vintage glass shade

Sale price€159,00 Regular price€199,00
PARIS TO GO - Wireless designer nomadic table lampPARIS TO GO - Wireless designer nomadic table lamp
ON THE MOVE - Adjustable wireless designer nomadic table lampON THE MOVE - Adjustable wireless designer nomadic table lamp
MEMORY - White ceramic bedside lampMEMORY - White ceramic bedside lamp
PUNTAKAPANEL - Designer twisted wood table lampPUNTAKAPANEL - Designer twisted wood table lamp
MIIRA Optic Table - Elegant high-end bedroom bedside lampMIIRA Optic Table - Elegant high-end bedroom bedside lamp
SNOWBALL - Minimalist rod bedside lamp, designer creationSNOWBALL - Minimalist rod bedside lamp, designer creation
CHRYSTAL - Handmade blown glass bedside lampCHRYSTAL - Handmade blown glass bedside lamp
Moon Table - Modern living room table lamp made from recycled cardboardMoon Table - Modern living room table lamp made from recycled cardboard
Ebey Table - Designer cardboard table lamp for bedroomEbey Table - Designer cardboard table lamp for bedroom
Ausi Table - Designer cardboard floor lamp for living roomAusi Table - Designer cardboard floor lamp for living room
Chrona Table10 - Designer brass floor lamp for living roomChrona Table10 - Designer brass floor lamp for living room
Question - Rechargeable LED cordless lamp in travertineQuestion - Rechargeable LED cordless lamp in travertine
Wick - Portable cordless rechargeable candle lampWick - Portable cordless rechargeable candle lamp
Kerflights Table Lamp - Designer living room floor lamp made of cardboardKerflights Table Lamp - Designer living room floor lamp made of cardboard
CHARM - Luxurious table lamp in designer sandblasted glassCHARM - Luxurious table lamp in designer sandblasted glass
BOND - Glass table lamp for designer and luxurious living roomBOND - Glass table lamp for designer and luxurious living room
YEP! - Vintage design reading lamp for bedroomYEP! - Vintage design reading lamp for bedroom
MOON LIGHT - Rechargeable LED cordless table lampMOON LIGHT - Rechargeable LED cordless table lamp
MINI MUSH - Colorful designer bedside lampMINI MUSH - Colorful designer bedside lamp
GLOW - Black desk lamp and vintage white lampshadeGLOW - Black desk lamp and vintage white lampshade
BOOGIE - Modern designer reading lampBOOGIE - Modern designer reading lamp
TWIST - Designer bedside lamp for bedroom in twisted glassTWIST - Designer bedside lamp for bedroom in twisted glass
SCANDINAVIA - Vintage opaque glass desk lampSCANDINAVIA - Vintage opaque glass desk lamp
KJOBENHAVN - Articulated black metal desk lamp
1123 - Vintage metal desk lamp1123 - Vintage metal desk lamp
CABARET - LED desk lamp in gold metal and designer glassCABARET - LED desk lamp in gold metal and designer glass
ST906 - Table lamp made of wooden or paper slatsST906 - Table lamp made of wooden or paper slats
TR37 - Cylindrical bedside lamp made from designer paper bladesTR37 - Cylindrical bedside lamp made from designer paper blades
TR7 - Designer table lamp made from twisted wooden slatsTR7 - Designer table lamp made from twisted wooden slats
No.111 - Designer twisted wooden slat table lampNo.111 - Designer twisted wooden slat table lamp
VIGRA - Table lamp in wavy blown glass and fabric lampshadeVIGRA - Table lamp in wavy blown glass and fabric lampshade
HITRA - Pear-shaped bedside lamp in blown glass and fabric lampshadeHITRA - Pear-shaped bedside lamp in blown glass and fabric lampshade
FREI - Table lamp in blown glass and hand-woven lampshadeFREI - Table lamp in blown glass and hand-woven lampshade
BLOSSI - Rechargeable wireless portable lamp, waterproof IP65BLOSSI - Rechargeable wireless portable lamp, waterproof IP65
CORE - Designer natural travertine table lampCORE - Designer natural travertine table lamp
RIVOLI - Vintage retro metal desk lampRIVOLI - Vintage retro metal desk lamp
STEPP 1-2-3 - Portable wireless lamp in steel designSTEPP 1-2-3 - Portable wireless lamp in steel design
METROPOLE - Adjustable table lamp in black metal or brassMETROPOLE - Adjustable table lamp in black metal or brass
BARONI MOVE - Wireless designer nomadic table lampBARONI MOVE - Wireless designer nomadic table lamp
NEW NORTHERN - Wireless designer nomadic table lampNEW NORTHERN - Wireless designer nomadic table lamp
PARIS - Table lamp with chic and designer pleated lampshadePARIS - Table lamp with chic and designer pleated lampshade
ROOM 49 - Table lamp in blown glass and brassROOM 49 - Table lamp in blown glass and brass
ROOM 49 - Portable blown glass and brass lampROOM 49 - Portable blown glass and brass lamp
HYGGE - Vintage design conical table lampHYGGE - Vintage design conical table lamp