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133 products


SWIRL Table - White and black spiral table lamp, designer creationSWIRL Table - White and black spiral table lamp, designer creation
MUTATIO - Designer Retractable Black Desk LampMUTATIO - Designer Retractable Black Desk Lamp
SNOWDROP - Handmade table lamp, pleated paper lampshadeSNOWDROP - Handmade table lamp, pleated paper lampshade
LAMELLA - Table lamp made by hand in pleated paperLAMELLA - Table lamp made by hand in pleated paper
CLASSIC 306 - Handcrafted vintage bedside lampCLASSIC 306 - Handcrafted vintage bedside lamp
CANDLELIGHT - Wooden and glass candle lamp with handle, rechargeableCANDLELIGHT - Wooden and glass candle lamp with handle, rechargeable
CLASSIC 343 - Handcrafted vintage desk lampCLASSIC 343 - Handcrafted vintage desk lamp
CLASSIC 314 - Vintage bedside lamp in handmade pleated paperCLASSIC 314 - Vintage bedside lamp in handmade pleated paper
CLASSIC 311 - Vintage handcrafted table lampCLASSIC 311 - Vintage handcrafted table lamp
MODEL 375 - Handcrafted wood and white pleated paper table lampMODEL 375 - Handcrafted wood and white pleated paper table lamp
BEE HIVE - Japanese style wood and pleated paper table lampBEE HIVE - Japanese style wood and pleated paper table lamp
CARRONADE Table - Wood and black projector bedside lampCARRONADE Table - Wood and black projector bedside lamp
CARRONADE High Table - Vintage and industrial projector desk lampCARRONADE High Table - Vintage and industrial projector desk lamp
CIPRESSO - Living room lamp in brass steel and opaque glassCIPRESSO - Living room lamp in brass steel and opaque glass
RAY - Design and modern black LED tube bedside lampRAY - Design and modern black LED tube bedside lamp
BIANCO - Hotel-style marble and brass bedside lampBIANCO - Hotel-style marble and brass bedside lamp
ERICH - Adjustable desk lamp with glass ballERICH - Adjustable desk lamp with glass ball
MOLLIS - Black desk lamp, design living room or bedroomMOLLIS - Black desk lamp, design living room or bedroom
FAD - Integrated adjustable LED desk lampFAD - Integrated adjustable LED desk lamp
MIIRA Opal Table - Elegant high-end desk table lampMIIRA Opal Table - Elegant high-end desk table lamp
BLOSSI Inset - Luxurious and modern integrated glass table lampBLOSSI Inset - Luxurious and modern integrated glass table lamp
BLOSSI - Luxurious desk lamp in elegant and designer glassBLOSSI - Luxurious desk lamp in elegant and designer glass
SAY MY NAME - Italian design blown glass table lampSAY MY NAME - Italian design blown glass table lamp
SALTO - Designer desk lamp, black or salmon dimmableSALTO - Designer desk lamp, black or salmon dimmable
OMBRE - Dimmable table lamp, designer creation, black or salmonOMBRE - Dimmable table lamp, designer creation, black or salmon
GEAR - Design and modern black desk lampGEAR - Design and modern black desk lamp
BUDDY Table - Design pencil holder desk lampBUDDY Table - Design pencil holder desk lamp
BIRDY SWING - Industrial steel bedside lamp for bedroomBIRDY SWING - Industrial steel bedside lamp for bedroom
BIRDY - Industrial steel table lamp for living roomBIRDY - Industrial steel table lamp for living room
BALANCER - Bedside lamp for bedroom or side tableBALANCER - Bedside lamp for bedroom or side table
ARCHIVE 4169 - Handmade blown glass table lampARCHIVE 4169 - Handmade blown glass table lamp
ARCHIVE 4218 - Hand-blown blown glass desk lampARCHIVE 4218 - Hand-blown blown glass desk lamp
SENJA - Blown glass table lamp, handmade fabric shadeSENJA - Blown glass table lamp, handmade fabric shade
VEGA - Hand-made blown glass table lampVEGA - Hand-made blown glass table lamp
AUSTRA - Handcrafted blown glass table lamp for living roomAUSTRA - Handcrafted blown glass table lamp for living room
AUSTRA - Designer blown glass bedside lampAUSTRA - Designer blown glass bedside lamp
ARCHIVE 4006 - Handmade blown glass table lampARCHIVE 4006 - Handmade blown glass table lamp