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Luminaire de cuisine

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678 products


VISION - Golden art deco mushroom wall light, double glassVISION - Golden art deco mushroom wall light, double glass
SONATA - Modern design pendant lamp, integrated LEDSONATA - Modern design pendant lamp, integrated LED
SIXTH SENSE - Double ball floor lamp in black and white glassSIXTH SENSE - Double ball floor lamp in black and white glass
POINTS - Modern pendant lamp for dining room or islandPOINTS - Modern pendant lamp for dining room or island
REBEL - Designer pendant lamp in the shape of an apple, smoked glass Integrated LEDREBEL - Designer pendant lamp in the shape of an apple, smoked glass Integrated LED
PALETTE - Designer and asymmetrical gray and copper pendant lightPALETTE - Designer and asymmetrical gray and copper pendant light
ENIGMA - Design and modern pendant lamp with integrated LEDENIGMA - Design and modern pendant lamp with integrated LED
SASI - Wall lamp with a luxurious and elegant designSASI - Wall lamp with a luxurious and elegant design
MIIRA Optic Oval - High-end elegant oval pendant lamp living roomMIIRA Optic Oval - High-end elegant oval pendant lamp living room
MIIRA Opal Oval - Elegant High End Dining Room Oval ChandelierMIIRA Opal Oval - Elegant High End Dining Room Oval Chandelier
BRONI - Dome-shaped concrete pendant lightBRONI - Dome-shaped concrete pendant light
MESSINA - Art deco fabric chandelier, vintage gilded steelMESSINA - Art deco fabric chandelier, vintage gilded steel
IRVING - Vintage Industrial Glass Wall SconceIRVING - Vintage Industrial Glass Wall Sconce
BALBO - Cluster chandelier of glass globes for dining roomBALBO - Cluster chandelier of glass globes for dining room
ERICH - Vintage pendant light with opaque glass ballERICH - Vintage pendant light with opaque glass ball
SATELLITE - Circular pendant lamp with adjustable black or white spotlightSATELLITE - Circular pendant lamp with adjustable black or white spotlight
RIM - Gold or black pendant light, 3 rings, integrated LEDRIM - Gold or black pendant light, 3 rings, integrated LED
DALLAS - Circular chandelier with modern glass ballsDALLAS - Circular chandelier with modern glass balls
DALLAS - Modern atom glass ball chandelierDALLAS - Modern atom glass ball chandelier
LINE - Futuristic designer circular pendant light, integrated LEDLINE - Futuristic designer circular pendant light, integrated LED
LINE - Designer geometric ceiling light, integrated LEDLINE - Designer geometric ceiling light, integrated LED
MOLLIS - Black pendant lamp, design and modern leaf shapeMOLLIS - Black pendant lamp, design and modern leaf shape
FAD - Circular chandelier with adjustable spotsFAD - Circular chandelier with adjustable spots
MIIRA 4 Opal - High end elegant chandelier, dining room, gold or blackMIIRA 4 Opal - High end elegant chandelier, dining room, gold or black
RIZZATTO 32 - Art deco glass pendant lamp, designer creationRIZZATTO 32 - Art deco glass pendant lamp, designer creation
BLOSSI - Glass wall light, elegance and luxuryBLOSSI - Glass wall light, elegance and luxury
BLOSSI 8 - Large elegant luxury chandelier in glass and integrated LEDBLOSSI 8 - Large elegant luxury chandelier in glass and integrated LED
BLOSSI 1 - Elegant glass pendant lamp, high-end integrated LEDBLOSSI 1 - Elegant glass pendant lamp, high-end integrated LED
APIALES Optic - Black or gold chandelier with glass globesAPIALES Optic - Black or gold chandelier with glass globes
APIALES Opal - Chandelier with art deco glass globesAPIALES Opal - Chandelier with art deco glass globes
ANOLI 13 - Large glass pendant lamp for stair climbingANOLI 13 - Large glass pendant lamp for stair climbing
ANOLI 6 - High ceiling blown glass chandelierANOLI 6 - High ceiling blown glass chandelier
ANOLI 1 - White or Amber Blown Glass PendantANOLI 1 - White or Amber Blown Glass Pendant
UNIKA - Vintage glass pendant light, designer creationUNIKA - Vintage glass pendant light, designer creation
SAY MY NAME - Hand-blown smoked glass pendant lightSAY MY NAME - Hand-blown smoked glass pendant light
ME DIM - Design, Scandinavian and modern dimmable floor lampME DIM - Design, Scandinavian and modern dimmable floor lamp
HEAT - Cloud-shaped chandelier in gray or gold steelHEAT - Cloud-shaped chandelier in gray or gold steel
DOKKA - Scandinavian design and vintage pendant lamp for living roomDOKKA - Scandinavian design and vintage pendant lamp for living room
DIVA - Designer and artisanal wooden pendant light, handcraftedDIVA - Designer and artisanal wooden pendant light, handcrafted
DAHL - Matte White Glass Pendant, Kitchen Island or Dining AreaDAHL - Matte White Glass Pendant, Kitchen Island or Dining Area
CIRCLE - Thin minimalist black pendant lamp, adult bedroomCIRCLE - Thin minimalist black pendant lamp, adult bedroom
ACORN - Scandinavian matte black, matte gray and matte white pendant lampACORN - Scandinavian matte black, matte gray and matte white pendant lamp
CRYSTAL CONE - Luxurious chandelier in steel and handcrafted blown glassCRYSTAL CONE - Luxurious chandelier in steel and handcrafted blown glass
ARCHIVE 4178 - Handmade blown glass pendant lampARCHIVE 4178 - Handmade blown glass pendant lamp
DROP - Vintage handcrafted blown glass chandelierDROP - Vintage handcrafted blown glass chandelier
CROSSES - Vintage handmade blown glass pendant lampCROSSES - Vintage handmade blown glass pendant lamp
SODA - Handcrafted blown glass pendant lampSODA - Handcrafted blown glass pendant lamp
OPTIC - Blown glass pendant lamp, entirely handcraftedOPTIC - Blown glass pendant lamp, entirely handcrafted