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Luminaire design

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403 products


Haiku - Modern designer steel chandelier for living roomHaiku - Modern designer steel chandelier for living room
Metropolis - Modern gold LED pendant light for designer living room
Charisma - Designer gold and crystal wall light
Charisma - Designer gold and crystal chandelier for luxurious living room
Charisma - Designer gold and crystal ceiling light
ALY - Vintage design wall light in black and gold metalALY - Vintage design wall light in black and gold metal
GALILEO - Luxurious designer glass sphere pendant lightGALILEO - Luxurious designer glass sphere pendant light
CHARM - Luxurious table lamp in designer sandblasted glassCHARM - Luxurious table lamp in designer sandblasted glass
BOND - Glass floor lamp for designer and luxurious living roomBOND - Glass floor lamp for designer and luxurious living room
BOND - Glass table lamp for designer and luxurious living roomBOND - Glass table lamp for designer and luxurious living room
BOND - Glass wall light for designer and luxurious interiorsBOND - Glass wall light for designer and luxurious interiors
COSMO - Modern designer glass LED pendant lightCOSMO - Modern designer glass LED pendant light
KHMARA CERAMIC - Wabi-sabi design ceramic chandelierKHMARA CERAMIC - Wabi-sabi design ceramic chandelier
KHMARA METAL - Wabi-sabi industrial metal design pendant lightKHMARA METAL - Wabi-sabi industrial metal design pendant light
KHMARA ROUGH - Modern cloud design wabi-sabi pendant lightKHMARA ROUGH - Modern cloud design wabi-sabi pendant light
QUADRATUBE W2 - Industrial design LED wall lightQUADRATUBE W2 - Industrial design LED wall light
QUADRATUBE W3 - Black designer LED wall lightQUADRATUBE W3 - Black designer LED wall light
QUADRATUBE P2 - Industrial square design LED tube chandelierQUADRATUBE P2 - Industrial square design LED tube chandelier
QUADRATUBE P1 - Modern design square tube LED suspensionQUADRATUBE P1 - Modern design square tube LED suspension
PLAVNYK - Wabi-sabi design suspension for interiorPLAVNYK - Wabi-sabi design suspension for interior
MUSHROOM - Large designer mushroom floor lamp for living roomMUSHROOM - Large designer mushroom floor lamp for living room
MUSHLYA - Designer ceramic spiral chandelier for living roomMUSHLYA - Designer ceramic spiral chandelier for living room
CHOVEN - Wabi-sabi design cloud suspension for interiorCHOVEN - Wabi-sabi design cloud suspension for interior
MEDUSA - Wabi-sabi chandelier with designer bulbsMEDUSA - Wabi-sabi chandelier with designer bulbs
STRUMOK - Large bronze chandelier with a raw designSTRUMOK - Large bronze chandelier with a raw design
TETRA - Organic design pendant light for modern interiorsTETRA - Organic design pendant light for modern interiors
ZERNO - Pure bronze pendant light with contemporary designZERNO - Pure bronze pendant light with contemporary design
RIY - Japanese designer pendant light for japandi living roomRIY - Japanese designer pendant light for japandi living room
PRIANYK - Designer handmade ceramic chandelier for living roomPRIANYK - Designer handmade ceramic chandelier for living room
PLIAMA - Japanese Zen design pendant light for living roomPLIAMA - Japanese Zen design pendant light for living room
PITA - Original design suspension with modern scalesPITA - Original design suspension with modern scales
MIATA - Organic ceramic design chandelier for living roomMIATA - Organic ceramic design chandelier for living room
MAYA - Round ceramic design dome pendant lightMAYA - Round ceramic design dome pendant light
LAVA - Organic design ceramic pendant lightLAVA - Organic design ceramic pendant light
HVOIA - XXL ceramic suspension, original designHVOIA - XXL ceramic suspension, original design
GEMMA - Large bronze pendant light for designer interiorsGEMMA - Large bronze pendant light for designer interiors
GARLIC - Suspension in bronze or ceramic, raw designGARLIC - Suspension in bronze or ceramic, raw design
BRUNKA - Original design planet suspensionBRUNKA - Original design planet suspension
YEP! - Vintage design reading lamp for bedroomYEP! - Vintage design reading lamp for bedroom
STOCKHOLM NORDIC - Black or natural wooden design pendant lightSTOCKHOLM NORDIC - Black or natural wooden design pendant light
ROCK - Industrial design metal living room chandelierROCK - Industrial design metal living room chandelier
MOON LIGHT - Rechargeable LED cordless table lampMOON LIGHT - Rechargeable LED cordless table lamp
MINI MUSH - Colorful designer bedside lampMINI MUSH - Colorful designer bedside lamp
GLOW - Designer white glass chandelier for kitchenGLOW - Designer white glass chandelier for kitchen
DROPS - Designer drop-shaped glass chandelierDROPS - Designer drop-shaped glass chandelier
BOOGIE - Modern designer reading lampBOOGIE - Modern designer reading lamp
TWIST - Designer bedside lamp for bedroom in twisted glassTWIST - Designer bedside lamp for bedroom in twisted glass
TWIST - Round glass wall light for designer bedroomTWIST - Round glass wall light for designer bedroom