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Luminaire en bois

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74 products


JUNIT - Fun and colorful ball-and-ball pendant lightJUNIT - Fun and colorful ball-and-ball pendant light
EIKON SHELL - Scandinavian circular pendant light, colorful and woodEIKON SHELL - Scandinavian circular pendant light, colorful and wood
EIKON CIRCUS - Scandinavian conical pendant light, colorful and woodEIKON CIRCUS - Scandinavian conical pendant light, colorful and wood
EIKON BASIC - Scandinavian conical pendant light, colorful and woodEIKON BASIC - Scandinavian conical pendant light, colorful and wood
SERIES A SECUNDUM - Chandelier in Scandinavian poplar wood stripSERIES A SECUNDUM - Chandelier in Scandinavian poplar wood strip
SERIES A PIRUM - Pendant light in designer poplar wood stripSERIES A PIRUM - Pendant light in designer poplar wood strip
CITRUS - Pendant light in designer wooden slatsCITRUS - Pendant light in designer wooden slats
TJINKWE Large - Cage table lamp in natural wood slatsTJINKWE Large - Cage table lamp in natural wood slats
TJINKWE Small - Bedside lamp in handmade wooden stripsTJINKWE Small - Bedside lamp in handmade wooden strips
KAPUTAFUNAT - Handcrafted designer wooden living room lampKAPUTAFUNAT - Handcrafted designer wooden living room lamp
SANPEDRO - Handmade natural wood spiral wall lightSANPEDRO - Handmade natural wood spiral wall light
TJINKWE Large - Handcrafted wooden slat pendant lightTJINKWE Large - Handcrafted wooden slat pendant light
TJINKWE Medium - Handcrafted wooden slat chandelierTJINKWE Medium - Handcrafted wooden slat chandelier
TJINKWE Small - Cage pendant light in designer wooden slatsTJINKWE Small - Cage pendant light in designer wooden slats
PUNTAKAPANEL - Designer twisted wood pendant lightPUNTAKAPANEL - Designer twisted wood pendant light
KAPUTAFUNAT - Handcrafted designer wooden pendant lightKAPUTAFUNAT - Handcrafted designer wooden pendant light
TJINT - Handcrafted wooden slat pendant lightTJINT - Handcrafted wooden slat pendant light
MASTERPIECES 325 - Wooden and white floor lamp, handmade pleated paperMASTERPIECES 325 - Wooden and white floor lamp, handmade pleated paper
SOLEIL - Japanese Steel and Handmade Pleated Paper PendantSOLEIL - Japanese Steel and Handmade Pleated Paper Pendant
CANDLELIGHT - Wooden and glass candle lamp with handle, rechargeableCANDLELIGHT - Wooden and glass candle lamp with handle, rechargeable
MODEL 375 - Handcrafted wood and white pleated paper table lampMODEL 375 - Handcrafted wood and white pleated paper table lamp
BEE HIVE - Japanese style wood and pleated paper table lampBEE HIVE - Japanese style wood and pleated paper table lamp
CLASSIC 204 - Wall light in wood and handmade pleated paperCLASSIC 204 - Wall light in wood and handmade pleated paper
CARRONADE High Table - Vintage and industrial projector desk lampCARRONADE High Table - Vintage and industrial projector desk lamp
DIVA - Designer and artisanal wooden pendant light, handcraftedDIVA - Designer and artisanal wooden pendant light, handcrafted
DIVA - Designer and artisanal wooden floor lamp, handcraftedDIVA - Designer and artisanal wooden floor lamp, handcrafted