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Luminaire industriel

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194 products


RANDO - Waterproof designer wall light, black, white or grayRANDO - Waterproof designer wall light, black, white or gray
ROND - Design cylindrical wall light, black, white or goldROND - Design cylindrical wall light, black, white or gold
ZON - Designer and minimalist integrated LED ceiling lightZON - Designer and minimalist integrated LED ceiling light
BERGAMO - Circular ceiling light in simple fabricBERGAMO - Circular ceiling light in simple fabric
ESTUDO - Adjustable bedside lamp and reading lightESTUDO - Adjustable bedside lamp and reading light
PIXEL - Bedroom reading light wall lightPIXEL - Bedroom reading light wall light
ARROW - Flute minimalist pendant lamp for kitchen islandARROW - Flute minimalist pendant lamp for kitchen island
NOSTALGIA - Art deco ceiling lamp with glass balls, gold and blackNOSTALGIA - Art deco ceiling lamp with glass balls, gold and black
STEP - Long pendant lamp for island or dining roomSTEP - Long pendant lamp for island or dining room
LOOK - Tube pendant light in matt or shiny steelLOOK - Tube pendant light in matt or shiny steel
G1 - Retro vintage floor lamp 50s designG1 - Retro vintage floor lamp 50s design
ERICH - Vintage floor lamp with glass ballERICH - Vintage floor lamp with glass ball
G30 - Retro vintage floor lamp 50s designG30 - Retro vintage floor lamp 50s design
PROFILO - Large track ceiling light with adjustable spotsPROFILO - Large track ceiling light with adjustable spots
ATWATER - Vintage industrial brass lantern wall lampATWATER - Vintage industrial brass lantern wall lamp
GEAR - Black floor lamp for design and modern living roomGEAR - Black floor lamp for design and modern living room
BARONI - Vintage designer ceiling light in opaque glassBARONI - Vintage designer ceiling light in opaque glass
LINGOTTO - Large cage ceiling light with glass ballsLINGOTTO - Large cage ceiling light with glass balls
PERLAGE - Round ceiling light with glass ballsPERLAGE - Round ceiling light with glass balls
BIRDS - Art deco ceiling light with glass ballsBIRDS - Art deco ceiling light with glass balls
SNOWBALL - Minimalist rod bedside lamp, designer creationSNOWBALL - Minimalist rod bedside lamp, designer creation
Save 20%BARONI - Table lamp with vintage glass shadeBARONI - Table lamp with vintage glass shade

BARONI - Table lamp with vintage glass shade

Sale price€159,00 Regular price€199,00
G21 - Retro vintage floor lamp 50s designG21 - Retro vintage floor lamp 50s design
PROFILO - Ceiling light rail with black or white spotsPROFILO - Ceiling light rail with black or white spots
KYHN - Modern black steel pendant light waterproof IP68KYHN - Modern black steel pendant light waterproof IP68
RIMBAUD - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel pendant lightRIMBAUD - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel pendant light
BRUEGHEL - IP68 waterproof industrial tube pendant lightBRUEGHEL - IP68 waterproof industrial tube pendant light
PURCELL - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel pendant lightPURCELL - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel pendant light
IMPRESSION - Industrial and contemporary steel pendant lightIMPRESSION - Industrial and contemporary steel pendant light
PILSEN - Contemporary Circular Steel and Bronze ChandelierPILSEN - Contemporary Circular Steel and Bronze Chandelier
CAMPANULA - Black arc floor lamp for designer living roomCAMPANULA - Black arc floor lamp for designer living room
GLINT - Design, modern and contemporary round wall lightGLINT - Design, modern and contemporary round wall light
BIRDY - Industrial steel wall lightBIRDY - Industrial steel wall light
Izar - Grande applique murale tube led style industrielIzar - Grande applique murale tube led style industriel
Izar - Suspension led tubulaire pour bureau moderneIzar - Suspension led tubulaire pour bureau moderne
Belvedere - Applique murale industrielle noire et laiton patiné
LINE - Designer geometric ceiling light, integrated LEDLINE - Designer geometric ceiling light, integrated LED
RIM - Modern design ring LED ceiling lightRIM - Modern design ring LED ceiling light
ZIGGY - Round designer ceiling light, white or black, large diameterZIGGY - Round designer ceiling light, white or black, large diameter
MARACAS - Gold ceiling light with glass ball spotsMARACAS - Gold ceiling light with glass ball spots
ANOLI SPOT - Minimalist and designer adjustable wall spotlight railANOLI SPOT - Minimalist and designer adjustable wall spotlight rail
PING PONG - Glass ball track ceiling lightPING PONG - Glass ball track ceiling light
PING PONG - Rectangular ceiling light and glass ballsPING PONG - Rectangular ceiling light and glass balls
CLOUD - Cloud ceiling light with integrated LEDCLOUD - Cloud ceiling light with integrated LED
LUMIERE - Designer ceiling light in smoked and white glassLUMIERE - Designer ceiling light in smoked and white glass
LINGOTTO - Cage ceiling light with glass ballsLINGOTTO - Cage ceiling light with glass balls
LINGOTTO - Cube ceiling light with glass ballLINGOTTO - Cube ceiling light with glass ball
FRAME - Circle ceiling light with integrated LEDFRAME - Circle ceiling light with integrated LED