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Luminaire industriel

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194 products


QUADRATUBE W2 - Industrial design LED wall lightQUADRATUBE W2 - Industrial design LED wall light
QUADRATUBE W3 - Black designer LED wall lightQUADRATUBE W3 - Black designer LED wall light
QUADRATUBE W1 - Modern black LED wall lightQUADRATUBE W1 - Modern black LED wall light
QUADRATUBE P2 - Industrial square design LED tube chandelierQUADRATUBE P2 - Industrial square design LED tube chandelier
QUADRATUBE P1 - Modern design square tube LED suspensionQUADRATUBE P1 - Modern design square tube LED suspension
SITKA - Industrial style ceramic pendant lightSITKA - Industrial style ceramic pendant light
POLAR NIGHT - Modern black metal pendant light for islandPOLAR NIGHT - Modern black metal pendant light for island
MAKIVKA - Industrial pendant light in ceramic or bronzeMAKIVKA - Industrial pendant light in ceramic or bronze
CARPENTER - Vintage industrial kitchen chandelierCARPENTER - Vintage industrial kitchen chandelier
TORCH - Black wall light for modern bedroomTORCH - Black wall light for modern bedroom
TORCH - Modern metal kitchen pendant lightTORCH - Modern metal kitchen pendant light
1123 - Vintage metal desk lamp1123 - Vintage metal desk lamp
PIVOT - Industrial design metal pendant lightPIVOT - Industrial design metal pendant light
KORA - Modern ceramic pendant light for kitchenKORA - Modern ceramic pendant light for kitchen
SOPILKA - Designer industrial hanging lampSOPILKA - Designer industrial hanging lamp
GEMINI SET - Composition of 4 modern design metal chandeliersGEMINI SET - Composition of 4 modern design metal chandeliers
BRONZE SET - Industrial pendant light in bronze or raw metalBRONZE SET - Industrial pendant light in bronze or raw metal
METRO - Anthracite gray industrial pendant lightMETRO - Anthracite gray industrial pendant light
BREEZE - Industrial anthracite steel pendant lightBREEZE - Industrial anthracite steel pendant light
METROPOLE - Adjustable table lamp in black metal or brassMETROPOLE - Adjustable table lamp in black metal or brass
METROPOLE - Adjustable black metal wall lightMETROPOLE - Adjustable black metal wall light
METROPOLE - Adjustable wall light in black or gold steelMETROPOLE - Adjustable wall light in black or gold steel
METROPOLE - Vintage wall light in black or gold metalMETROPOLE - Vintage wall light in black or gold metal
METROPOLE - Vintage chandelier in black or gold metalMETROPOLE - Vintage chandelier in black or gold metal
METROPOLE - Industrial floor lamp in black or gold metalMETROPOLE - Industrial floor lamp in black or gold metal
METROPOLE - Industrial pendant light in black or gold metalMETROPOLE - Industrial pendant light in black or gold metal
FORTY-FIVE - Glass globe pendant light and industrial design tubeFORTY-FIVE - Glass globe pendant light and industrial design tube
YURTA - Modern white or black pendant lightYURTA - Modern white or black pendant light
TUBE - Modern design tubular pendant lightTUBE - Modern design tubular pendant light
FISHERMAN - Industrial copper or black pendant lightFISHERMAN - Industrial copper or black pendant light
TRIADE 3 - Vintage black and bronze pendant light
TRIADE 2 - Black and bronze industrial pendant light
TRIADE 1 - Industrial black cylindrical pendant light
TRIADE - 3-light chandelier in industrial black steelTRIADE - 3-light chandelier in industrial black steel
OIL 6 - Conical pendant light in gray concreteOIL 6 - Conical pendant light in gray concrete
OIL 5 - Gray concrete dome pendant light
OIL 4 - Dome-shaped pendant light in gray concreteOIL 4 - Dome-shaped pendant light in gray concrete
OIL 3 - Industrial style gray concrete pendant light
OIL 2 - Conical industrial concrete pendant lightOIL 2 - Conical industrial concrete pendant light
OIL 1 - Industrial gray concrete pendant lightOIL 1 - Industrial gray concrete pendant light
BRUEGHEL D/I - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel tube pendant lightBRUEGHEL D/I - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel tube pendant light
G3T - Large vintage wall light from the 50s designG3T - Large vintage wall light from the 50s design
G3 - Vintage 50s wall light in perforated steelG3 - Vintage 50s wall light in perforated steel
VENDOME - Art deco glass tube floor lamp for living roomVENDOME - Art deco glass tube floor lamp for living room
MONCEAU - Designer glass tube floor lamp for living roomMONCEAU - Designer glass tube floor lamp for living room
BELLEVILLE - Industrial glass tube floor lamp for living roomBELLEVILLE - Industrial glass tube floor lamp for living room
ELGAR - Dimmable industrial style steel floor lampELGAR - Dimmable industrial style steel floor lamp
OAK - Designer concrete cylindrical pendant lightOAK - Designer concrete cylindrical pendant light