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Luminaire moderne

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531 products


RANDO - Waterproof designer wall light, black, white or grayRANDO - Waterproof designer wall light, black, white or gray
ROTOND - Large circular pendant light in handmade natural woodROTOND - Large circular pendant light in handmade natural wood
PARS - Slim integrated LED wall light, stick shapePARS - Slim integrated LED wall light, stick shape
FOCUS - Modern wall light and geometric designFOCUS - Modern wall light and geometric design
SHELBY - Cylindrical suspension in gold steelSHELBY - Cylindrical suspension in gold steel
ROND - Design cylindrical wall light, black, white or goldROND - Design cylindrical wall light, black, white or gold
MIRAX - Integrated LED adjustable reading wall lightMIRAX - Integrated LED adjustable reading wall light
ZON - Designer and minimalist integrated LED ceiling lightZON - Designer and minimalist integrated LED ceiling light
HALO - Long integrated LED pendant light with side lightingHALO - Long integrated LED pendant light with side lighting
ARTISAN - Modern and striated design wall lightARTISAN - Modern and striated design wall light
NEVILL - Conical pendant light, design for kitchen islandNEVILL - Conical pendant light, design for kitchen island
CORE - Design natural travertine spotlight suspensionCORE - Design natural travertine spotlight suspension
NOTTA - Design and modern wall light, gold, white or blackNOTTA - Design and modern wall light, gold, white or black
FOCUS S - Sober and modern wall lightFOCUS S - Sober and modern wall light
RAY - Modern black or white design LED tube pendant lampRAY - Modern black or white design LED tube pendant lamp
YOKO - Black or white integrated LED tube pendant lightYOKO - Black or white integrated LED tube pendant light
ESTUDO - Adjustable bedside lamp and reading lightESTUDO - Adjustable bedside lamp and reading light
Sold outFLOW - Modern and designer LED tube floor lampFLOW - Modern and designer LED tube floor lamp
FIORE - Round flower-shaped wall lightFIORE - Round flower-shaped wall light
PIXEL - Bedroom reading light wall lightPIXEL - Bedroom reading light wall light
ARROW - Flute minimalist pendant lamp for kitchen islandARROW - Flute minimalist pendant lamp for kitchen island
PARMA - Cylindrical plaster wall light to paintPARMA - Cylindrical plaster wall light to paint
STEP - Long pendant lamp for island or dining roomSTEP - Long pendant lamp for island or dining room
LOOK - Tube pendant light in matt or shiny steelLOOK - Tube pendant light in matt or shiny steel
CIRKUS - U-shaped suspension, design and colorCIRKUS - U-shaped suspension, design and color
CURVE - Designer integrated LED knot pendant lightCURVE - Designer integrated LED knot pendant light
RIM - Gold or black ring pendant light, integrated LEDRIM - Gold or black ring pendant light, integrated LED
PRO - LED suspension metal tube designPRO - LED suspension metal tube design
ARON - Wall reading light with induction chargerARON - Wall reading light with induction charger
EMPIRE - Vintage smoked glass pendant lightEMPIRE - Vintage smoked glass pendant light
ORACLE SLIM - Black or white integrated LED circle pendant lightORACLE SLIM - Black or white integrated LED circle pendant light
LINE - Designer geometric pendant light, integrated LEDLINE - Designer geometric pendant light, integrated LED
BASIC COLORS - Industrial metal conical pendant lightBASIC COLORS - Industrial metal conical pendant light
BIBI - Ceramic ceiling light for bedroomBIBI - Ceramic ceiling light for bedroom
BIBI - Ceramic wall light for bedroomBIBI - Ceramic wall light for bedroom
TICK - Double disc wall light indirect lightingTICK - Double disc wall light indirect lighting
PROFILO - Large track ceiling light with adjustable spotsPROFILO - Large track ceiling light with adjustable spots
MIRAX - Integrated square LED reading light wall lightMIRAX - Integrated square LED reading light wall light
DYNAMICS - Modern glass and aluminum kitchen pendant lightDYNAMICS - Modern glass and aluminum kitchen pendant light
DYNAMICS - Modern wall light with striated designDYNAMICS - Modern wall light with striated design
A MANITJ - Spiral-shaped natural wood table lampA MANITJ - Spiral-shaped natural wood table lamp
MONTEDOR - Handcrafted spiral wooden pendant lightMONTEDOR - Handcrafted spiral wooden pendant light
CIRKUS - U-shaped rail suspension, design and colorCIRKUS - U-shaped rail suspension, design and color
NOVA - Retro-futuristic and avant-garde suspensionNOVA - Retro-futuristic and avant-garde suspension
CIRKUS - U-shaped adjustable wall lightCIRKUS - U-shaped adjustable wall light
CASCADE - Composite pendant light for high ceilingsCASCADE - Composite pendant light for high ceilings
TRAME - Geometric design wall light in white or black steelTRAME - Geometric design wall light in white or black steel
JACK STONE - Long decorative wall lightJACK STONE - Long decorative wall light