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Luminaire moderne

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533 products


ORACLE - Black or white integrated LED ring pendant lightORACLE - Black or white integrated LED ring pendant light
MARTE - Bollard light for outdoor pathMARTE - Bollard light for outdoor path
MAPA PLUS - White sphere cluster pendant lightMAPA PLUS - White sphere cluster pendant light
FILO - Chandelier composition of integrated LED rodsFILO - Chandelier composition of integrated LED rods
FILO - Designer, waterproof IP44 wall light, integrated LEDFILO - Designer, waterproof IP44 wall light, integrated LED
ECHO - Modern gold, white or black wall lightECHO - Modern gold, white or black wall light
ARCHIMEDE - Small modern spot pendant light, different shapesARCHIMEDE - Small modern spot pendant light, different shapes
FORTY-FIVE - Glass globe pendant light and industrial design tubeFORTY-FIVE - Glass globe pendant light and industrial design tube
BARONI MOVE - Wireless designer nomadic table lampBARONI MOVE - Wireless designer nomadic table lamp
NEW NORTHERN - Wireless designer nomadic table lampNEW NORTHERN - Wireless designer nomadic table lamp
PARIS - Table lamp with chic and designer pleated lampshadePARIS - Table lamp with chic and designer pleated lampshade
HOLLY - Gold, black or white pendant light for kitchenHOLLY - Gold, black or white pendant light for kitchen
FOLK - Brown steel dome pendant lightFOLK - Brown steel dome pendant light
ROOM 49 - White opaque glass bell pendant lightROOM 49 - White opaque glass bell pendant light
HYGGE - Floor lamp with vintage double lampshadeHYGGE - Floor lamp with vintage double lampshade
HYGGE - Vintage conical design metal pendant lightHYGGE - Vintage conical design metal pendant light
HYGGE - Vintage conical design floor lampHYGGE - Vintage conical design floor lamp
HYGGE - Vintage design conical table lampHYGGE - Vintage design conical table lamp
HYGGE - Wireless designer nomadic table lampHYGGE - Wireless designer nomadic table lamp
TOFFEE - IP54 waterproof outdoor nomadic lampTOFFEE - IP54 waterproof outdoor nomadic lamp
LOLITA - Portable cordless lamp with integrated LEDLOLITA - Portable cordless lamp with integrated LED
PURE - Designer and waterproof IP54 nomadic lampPURE - Designer and waterproof IP54 nomadic lamp
ANOLI SPOT - Minimalist and designer adjustable wall spotlight railANOLI SPOT - Minimalist and designer adjustable wall spotlight rail
ANOLI SPOT - Small, minimalist and designer pendant lightANOLI SPOT - Small, minimalist and designer pendant light
FRAME - Minimalist rectangular floor lamp with LEDFRAME - Minimalist rectangular floor lamp with LED
PING PONG - Gold, black or white floor lamp with glass ballsPING PONG - Gold, black or white floor lamp with glass balls
EQUINOXE - Modern floor lamp with glass ballsEQUINOXE - Modern floor lamp with glass balls
LUMIERE - Floor lamp in smoked glass and LED tubeLUMIERE - Floor lamp in smoked glass and LED tube
COMET - Long-span floor lamp with integrated LEDCOMET - Long-span floor lamp with integrated LED
CRAFT - Wooden floor lamp with integrated LED stripCRAFT - Wooden floor lamp with integrated LED strip
EASY - Minimalist integrated LED floor lampEASY - Minimalist integrated LED floor lamp
COLONNA - Minimalist floor lamp with upward lightingCOLONNA - Minimalist floor lamp with upward lighting
POUCHE ROUND - Round design wall light with LEDPOUCHE ROUND - Round design wall light with LED
PING PONG - Glass ball track ceiling lightPING PONG - Glass ball track ceiling light
PING PONG - Rectangular ceiling light and glass ballsPING PONG - Rectangular ceiling light and glass balls
CLOUD - Cloud ceiling light with integrated LEDCLOUD - Cloud ceiling light with integrated LED
LINGOTTO - Cage pendant light with glass ballsLINGOTTO - Cage pendant light with glass balls
LINGOTTO - Cube metal pendant light with glass ballLINGOTTO - Cube metal pendant light with glass ball
LUMIERE - Designer LED tube pendant lamp in blown glassLUMIERE - Designer LED tube pendant lamp in blown glass
LUMIERE - Designer ceiling light in smoked and white glassLUMIERE - Designer ceiling light in smoked and white glass
FRAME - Circle ceiling light with integrated LEDFRAME - Circle ceiling light with integrated LED
OZ - Spiral design ceiling light with dimmable LEDOZ - Spiral design ceiling light with dimmable LED
SPLASH - Designer glass pendant light with integrated LEDSPLASH - Designer glass pendant light with integrated LED
MEMORY - Chic black wall light and white glass domeMEMORY - Chic black wall light and white glass dome
MEMORY - Chic and modern chandelier in black steel and glassMEMORY - Chic and modern chandelier in black steel and glass
MEMORY - Two-tone designer pendant light in steel and glassMEMORY - Two-tone designer pendant light in steel and glass
KYOTO - Chic pendant light in opaque white glass with integrated LEDKYOTO - Chic pendant light in opaque white glass with integrated LED
KYOTO - Designer and chic pendant light in marble and glassKYOTO - Designer and chic pendant light in marble and glass