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Luminaire de salle de bain

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98 products


REVEAL - Smoked glass ball pendant light, integrated LED tube, Italian designREVEAL - Smoked glass ball pendant light, integrated LED tube, Italian design
BLOSSI 1 - Elegant glass pendant lamp, high-end integrated LEDBLOSSI 1 - Elegant glass pendant lamp, high-end integrated LED
SPLASH - Designer glass pendant light with integrated LEDSPLASH - Designer glass pendant light with integrated LED
LUMIERE - Designer LED tube pendant lamp in blown glassLUMIERE - Designer LED tube pendant lamp in blown glass
BRUEGHEL D/I - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel tube pendant lightBRUEGHEL D/I - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel tube pendant light
KYOTO - Chic pendant light in opaque white glass with integrated LEDKYOTO - Chic pendant light in opaque white glass with integrated LED
LUNARE - Chic gold pendant light with integrated LED design 3000KLUNARE - Chic gold pendant light with integrated LED design 3000K
MAYA - Designer pendant light in gold steel and glassMAYA - Designer pendant light in gold steel and glass
TUBE - Integrated LED tube pendant light in black or white steelTUBE - Integrated LED tube pendant light in black or white steel
BELL - Contemporary White or Black Adjustable Suspended SpotlightBELL - Contemporary White or Black Adjustable Suspended Spotlight
CIRCUS - Integrated black LED circle pendant lightCIRCUS - Integrated black LED circle pendant light
BALLOON - Globe pendant lamp in glass and colored steel structureBALLOON - Globe pendant lamp in glass and colored steel structure
MOZZI - Round pendant lamp with a cocooning designMOZZI - Round pendant lamp with a cocooning design
ALLEY - Chinese Hat and Design Globe PendantALLEY - Chinese Hat and Design Globe Pendant
OYSTER - Luxurious pendant lamp, nanocoated glass dropOYSTER - Luxurious pendant lamp, nanocoated glass drop
AIRMOD Glass - Contemporary glass and steel pendant lampAIRMOD Glass - Contemporary glass and steel pendant lamp
AIRMOD Perforated - Contemporary pendant light in perforated steelAIRMOD Perforated - Contemporary pendant light in perforated steel
VERTICALE - Designer and futuristic glass pendant lightVERTICALE - Designer and futuristic glass pendant light
Chrona Dish v - Gold or steel LED pendant chandelier for modern bedroomChrona Dish v - Gold or steel LED pendant chandelier for modern bedroom
Levity Halo - Designer LED tube pendant light for living roomLevity Halo - Designer LED tube pendant light for living room
Chrona Dish h - Gold or steel LED pendant light for living roomChrona Dish h - Gold or steel LED pendant light for living room
QUADRATUBE P2 - Industrial square design LED tube chandelierQUADRATUBE P2 - Industrial square design LED tube chandelier
QUADRATUBE P1 - Modern design square tube LED suspensionQUADRATUBE P1 - Modern design square tube LED suspension
GALILEO - Luxurious designer glass sphere pendant lightGALILEO - Luxurious designer glass sphere pendant light
COSMO - Modern designer glass LED pendant lightCOSMO - Modern designer glass LED pendant light
CABARET - LED suspension in glass and gold metalCABARET - LED suspension in glass and gold metal
NEBULA - LED pendant light with glass ball designNEBULA - LED pendant light with glass ball design
SKYLINE - Long modern integrated LED pendant lightSKYLINE - Long modern integrated LED pendant light
BANGKOK - Designer glass hourglass LED pendant lightBANGKOK - Designer glass hourglass LED pendant light
PRO SHADE - Modern design LED tube pendant lightPRO SHADE - Modern design LED tube pendant light
NODE - Modern double ring LED node suspensionNODE - Modern double ring LED node suspension
FILO - Designer, waterproof IP44 wall light, integrated LEDFILO - Designer, waterproof IP44 wall light, integrated LED
MONCEAU MINI - Black steel waterproof designer tube wall lightMONCEAU MINI - Black steel waterproof designer tube wall light
VENDOME MINI - Waterproof designer tube wall light in brass steelVENDOME MINI - Waterproof designer tube wall light in brass steel
BELLEVILLE - IP68 waterproof black steel tube pendant lightBELLEVILLE - IP68 waterproof black steel tube pendant light
ASTRUP - IP44 waterproof industrial table lampASTRUP - IP44 waterproof industrial table lamp
MUSSET GR - Industrial and contemporary waterproof steel tube wall lightMUSSET GR - Industrial and contemporary waterproof steel tube wall light
MONDRIAN - IP68 waterproof contemporary steel tube wall lightMONDRIAN - IP68 waterproof contemporary steel tube wall light
ELGAR - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel wall lightELGAR - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel wall light
VENDOME - IP68 waterproof industrial style gold tube pendant lightVENDOME - IP68 waterproof industrial style gold tube pendant light
MONCEAU - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel tube chandelierMONCEAU - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel tube chandelier
RIVOLI - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel tube pendant lightRIVOLI - IP68 waterproof industrial style steel tube pendant light
GUDE - Industrial tube wall light in waterproof steelGUDE - Industrial tube wall light in waterproof steel
BELLEVILLE MINI - IP68 waterproof designer tube wall lightBELLEVILLE MINI - IP68 waterproof designer tube wall light
VENDOME NANO - Gold steel waterproof designer wall lightVENDOME NANO - Gold steel waterproof designer wall light
MONCEAU NANO - Black steel waterproof designer tube wall lightMONCEAU NANO - Black steel waterproof designer tube wall light
BELLEVILLE NANO - Waterproof steel or black design wall lightBELLEVILLE NANO - Waterproof steel or black design wall light
BENDZ - Industrial waterproof steel wall lightBENDZ - Industrial waterproof steel wall light