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Luminaire de salle à manger

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866 products


BERGEN - Wood and smoked glass pendant light with patternsBERGEN - Wood and smoked glass pendant light with patterns
BERGEN - Vintage pendant light in smoked glass and woodBERGEN - Vintage pendant light in smoked glass and wood
BERGEN - Vintage pendant light in smoked glass with patternsBERGEN - Vintage pendant light in smoked glass with patterns
KING - Round baroque style crystal chandelierKING - Round baroque style crystal chandelier
TUBE - Modern design tubular pendant lightTUBE - Modern design tubular pendant light
WIDE - Minimalist ceramic pendant lightWIDE - Minimalist ceramic pendant light
DIESIS - Black or gold conical flute pendant lightDIESIS - Black or gold conical flute pendant light
NARROW - Minimalist ceramic pendant lightNARROW - Minimalist ceramic pendant light
FLUT - Black or white glass flute pendant lightFLUT - Black or white glass flute pendant light
CRAFT - Integrated LED linear wooden pendant lightCRAFT - Integrated LED linear wooden pendant light
CARLTON - Chic spiral chandelier in silver or gold crystalCARLTON - Chic spiral chandelier in silver or gold crystal
MARTINEZ - Large rectangular crystal chandelier
FISHERMAN - Industrial copper or black pendant lightFISHERMAN - Industrial copper or black pendant light
MINT - Chic pendant light in smoked or mint green glassMINT - Chic pendant light in smoked or mint green glass
NODI - Chrome or gold atom pendant lightNODI - Chrome or gold atom pendant light
DNA - Gold multiple atom ball pendant lightDNA - Gold multiple atom ball pendant light
ARIZONA - Modern white glass donut pendant lightARIZONA - Modern white glass donut pendant light
ULISSE - Donut pendant light in white opaque glass
KARMA - Cloud pendant light in white opaque glassKARMA - Cloud pendant light in white opaque glass
CANTINA - Vintage brass or copper pendant lightCANTINA - Vintage brass or copper pendant light
TRIADE 3 - Vintage black and bronze pendant light
TRIADE 2 - Black and bronze industrial pendant light
TRIADE 1 - Industrial black cylindrical pendant light
TRIADE - 3-light chandelier in industrial black steelTRIADE - 3-light chandelier in industrial black steel
MR JACK - Chrome, white or black ball spot pendant lightMR JACK - Chrome, white or black ball spot pendant light
OIL 6 - Conical pendant light in gray concreteOIL 6 - Conical pendant light in gray concrete
OIL 5 - Gray concrete dome pendant light
OIL 4 - Dome-shaped pendant light in gray concreteOIL 4 - Dome-shaped pendant light in gray concrete
OIL 3 - Industrial style gray concrete pendant light
OIL 2 - Conical industrial concrete pendant lightOIL 2 - Conical industrial concrete pendant light
OIL 1 - Industrial gray concrete pendant lightOIL 1 - Industrial gray concrete pendant light
EQUINOXE - Suspension with steel rods and transparent glass ballsEQUINOXE - Suspension with steel rods and transparent glass balls
EQUINOXE - Transparent glass ball pendant lightEQUINOXE - Transparent glass ball pendant light
GALAXY - Glass globe pendant light with copper, brass and nickelGALAXY - Glass globe pendant light with copper, brass and nickel
DYNAMITE - Rail pendant light with adjustable spotlightDYNAMITE - Rail pendant light with adjustable spotlight
CAESAR - Baroque chandelier in transparent and gold glassCAESAR - Baroque chandelier in transparent and gold glass
DUBAI - Chic chandelier in glass beads and crystalDUBAI - Chic chandelier in glass beads and crystal
MAYA - Designer pendant light in gold steel and glassMAYA - Designer pendant light in gold steel and glass
LUNARE - Chic gold pendant light with integrated LED design 3000KLUNARE - Chic gold pendant light with integrated LED design 3000K
SATURNO - Modern pendant light with integrated LED golden ringSATURNO - Modern pendant light with integrated LED golden ring
JUNIT - Fun and colorful ball-and-ball pendant lightJUNIT - Fun and colorful ball-and-ball pendant light
EIKON SHELL - Scandinavian circular pendant light, colorful and woodEIKON SHELL - Scandinavian circular pendant light, colorful and wood
EIKON CIRCUS - Scandinavian conical pendant light, colorful and woodEIKON CIRCUS - Scandinavian conical pendant light, colorful and wood
EIKON BASIC - Scandinavian conical pendant light, colorful and woodEIKON BASIC - Scandinavian conical pendant light, colorful and wood
SERIES A SECUNDUM - Chandelier in Scandinavian poplar wood stripSERIES A SECUNDUM - Chandelier in Scandinavian poplar wood strip
SERIES A PIRUM - Pendant light in designer poplar wood stripSERIES A PIRUM - Pendant light in designer poplar wood strip
FIGURA STREAM - Designer colorful wave pendant lightFIGURA STREAM - Designer colorful wave pendant light
FIGURA CONE - Minimalist designer colorful conical pendant lightFIGURA CONE - Minimalist designer colorful conical pendant light