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Unique Pieces

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64 products


BOND - Luxurious glass pendant light for designer interiorsBOND - Luxurious glass pendant light for designer interiors
OYSTER - Luxurious pendant lamp, nanocoated glass dropOYSTER - Luxurious pendant lamp, nanocoated glass drop
CRYSTAL CONE - Luxurious chandelier in steel and handcrafted blown glassCRYSTAL CONE - Luxurious chandelier in steel and handcrafted blown glass
BRANCHY - Luxurious crystal wood bundle suspensionBRANCHY - Luxurious crystal wood bundle suspension
CRYSTAL CONE - Luxurious ring chandelier pine cones blown glassCRYSTAL CONE - Luxurious ring chandelier pine cones blown glass
BRONZE SET - Industrial pendant light in bronze or raw metalBRONZE SET - Industrial pendant light in bronze or raw metal
GRANNY'S - Wabi-sabi pendant light in handmade ceramicGRANNY'S - Wabi-sabi pendant light in handmade ceramic
GEMINI SET - Composition of 4 modern design metal chandeliersGEMINI SET - Composition of 4 modern design metal chandeliers
SOPILKA - Designer industrial hanging lampSOPILKA - Designer industrial hanging lamp
RUNA - Cylindrical ceramic chandelier for modern kitchenRUNA - Cylindrical ceramic chandelier for modern kitchen
KORA - Modern ceramic pendant light for kitchenKORA - Modern ceramic pendant light for kitchen
VULYK - Organic design ceramic pendant light for bedroomVULYK - Organic design ceramic pendant light for bedroom
PIVOT - Industrial design metal pendant lightPIVOT - Industrial design metal pendant light
PINA - Organic ceramic design chandelierPINA - Organic ceramic design chandelier
PARASOLKA - Designer ceramic pendant light for kitchenPARASOLKA - Designer ceramic pendant light for kitchen
LAKUNA - Designer ceramic dome hanging lampLAKUNA - Designer ceramic dome hanging lamp
VOLCANO - Designer pendant light in handcrafted ceramic for living roomVOLCANO - Designer pendant light in handcrafted ceramic for living room
BRUNKA - Original design planet suspensionBRUNKA - Original design planet suspension
CRUST - Organic ceramic suspension with crust effectCRUST - Organic ceramic suspension with crust effect
GARLIC - Suspension in bronze or ceramic, raw designGARLIC - Suspension in bronze or ceramic, raw design
GEMMA - Large bronze pendant light for designer interiorsGEMMA - Large bronze pendant light for designer interiors
HVOIA - XXL ceramic suspension, original designHVOIA - XXL ceramic suspension, original design
LAVA - Organic design ceramic pendant lightLAVA - Organic design ceramic pendant light
MAKIVKA - Industrial pendant light in ceramic or bronzeMAKIVKA - Industrial pendant light in ceramic or bronze
MAYA - Round ceramic design dome pendant lightMAYA - Round ceramic design dome pendant light
MIATA - Organic ceramic design chandelier for living roomMIATA - Organic ceramic design chandelier for living room
NIGHTERS - Large modern ceramic chandelierNIGHTERS - Large modern ceramic chandelier
PITA - Original design suspension with modern scalesPITA - Original design suspension with modern scales
PLIAMA - Japanese Zen design pendant light for living roomPLIAMA - Japanese Zen design pendant light for living room
POLAR NIGHT - Modern black metal pendant light for islandPOLAR NIGHT - Modern black metal pendant light for island
PRIANYK - Designer handmade ceramic chandelier for living roomPRIANYK - Designer handmade ceramic chandelier for living room
RIY - Japanese designer pendant light for japandi living roomRIY - Japanese designer pendant light for japandi living room
SITKA - Industrial style ceramic pendant lightSITKA - Industrial style ceramic pendant light
ZERNO - Pure bronze pendant light with contemporary designZERNO - Pure bronze pendant light with contemporary design
TETRA - Organic design pendant light for modern interiorsTETRA - Organic design pendant light for modern interiors
STRUMOK - Large bronze chandelier with a raw designSTRUMOK - Large bronze chandelier with a raw design
MEDUSA - Wabi-sabi chandelier with designer bulbsMEDUSA - Wabi-sabi chandelier with designer bulbs
KHMARA SMOOTH - Modern cloud design wabi-sabi chandelierKHMARA SMOOTH - Modern cloud design wabi-sabi chandelier
CHOVEN - Wabi-sabi design cloud suspension for interiorCHOVEN - Wabi-sabi design cloud suspension for interior
KALYNA - Ceramic ball chandelier for living roomKALYNA - Ceramic ball chandelier for living room
MUSHLYA - Designer ceramic spiral chandelier for living roomMUSHLYA - Designer ceramic spiral chandelier for living room
MUSHROOM - Large designer mushroom floor lamp for living roomMUSHROOM - Large designer mushroom floor lamp for living room
PLAVNYK - Wabi-sabi design suspension for interiorPLAVNYK - Wabi-sabi design suspension for interior
KHMARA ROUGH - Modern cloud design wabi-sabi pendant lightKHMARA ROUGH - Modern cloud design wabi-sabi pendant light
KHMARA METAL - Wabi-sabi industrial metal design pendant lightKHMARA METAL - Wabi-sabi industrial metal design pendant light
KHMARA CERAMIC - Wabi-sabi design ceramic chandelierKHMARA CERAMIC - Wabi-sabi design ceramic chandelier
BOND - Glass wall light for designer and luxurious interiorsBOND - Glass wall light for designer and luxurious interiors
BOND - Glass table lamp for designer and luxurious living roomBOND - Glass table lamp for designer and luxurious living room

Unique pieces, where luxury lighting and singularity meet

Immerse yourself in the most exclusive universe of our lighting collection at LA LUMIERE, where each creation is a work of art designed to captivate and illuminate your space with distinction and originality. This collection, a true gallery of exceptional lighting , brings together unique creations, the fruit of the work of talented and passionate craftsmen, offering your interior a touch of luxury lighting and uniqueness. Each piece is carefully selected for its beauty , its impeccable manufacturing quality, and its ability to create an enveloping and warm lighting atmosphere. Whether you are looking for a sculptural chandelier to adorn your living room, an artistic pendant light to energize your entryway, or a singular table lamp to personalize your workspace, our collection of unique lighting fixtures promises to transform your environment with elegance and exclusivity .

Experience the exceptional with LA LUMIERE and let yourself be seduced by the originality and character of our lighting fixtures, each creation being an invitation to bring a unique artistic and luminous dimension to your interior.